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In the Fast_X Laboratory, the research capabilities are significantly expanded towards high energies. The 450 kV energy X-ray tube station is equipped with a precision rotary table, enabling cone-beam CT examinations. Detailed parameters of the lamp can be found here /link to description/.

High energy

The linear accelerator w.h.c. allows the emission of a high-energy X-ray beam, the research possibilities are significantly extended towards high energies. The stand is equipped with a precision rotary table, enabling cone-beam CT examinations. Detailed parameters of the imaging detectors can be found here /link to description/.

Neutron beams

A specially designed conversion target in the electron accelerator with a maximum energy of 30MeV enables neutron beams to be obtained, which are routed out through a special neutron tube to the workstation. The workstation offers the possibility to perform irradiations, neutron beam interaction studies and neutron radiography. The neutron flux intensity is 10^11 n/s. 

Photons and electrons up to 30 MeV

Linear H.R. accelerator, accelerates electrons to a nominal energy of 30MeV. We offer the possibility to use a directly accelerated e-beam, as well as a beam of high-energy photons after conversion on a tungsten target. The accelerator enables research into new isotopes, activation in (γ,n) reactions, radiation sensitivity of materials – including electronic circuits. Detailed parameters of the accelerator can be found here /link to description/.

Laboratory Fast - X

Head of the Department of Physics and Technology of Particle Acceleration (TJ1)
prof. dr hab. Sławomir Wronka

phone number: (+48) 22 273 14 13

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